Forum Maintenance Notice!

Various fossil related discussions.
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Forum Maintenance Notice!

Bericht door CarterFromSL » 05 nov 2024, 17:50

Hey folks,

Carter here from Saskatchewan, Canada!
I'm the new web dev support working to keep the backend of the Paleontica website running smoothly.
Today, I'll be upgrading the version of PHPBB used to run this forum as well as several plugins. Because it's not an out-of-the-box install and requires tinkering with the server files via command line, there may be some minor service interruptions today. Hopefully not though!

If you notice any bugs/glitches/issues after these updates, you can report them in the replies to this thread and I will investigate.

Thanks, everyone!

— Carter L. 🍁

Junior Lid
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Lid geworden op: 16 okt 2024, 20:26
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Re: Forum Maintenance Notice!

Bericht door CarterFromSL » 05 nov 2024, 19:25

Aaaalrighty folks!

Sorry to anyone who tried to access the site over the past hour or so and encountered a frightening fatal error response of some sort!
After much bashing at my terminal, the phpBB version has been fully upgraded and it would appear that no harm has affected the database during the process (I did make a backup ahead of time just to be safe but I'm glad it wasn't needed)

Next on my agenda will be to update some plugins, but I need a break first hahaha

— Carter L. 🍁

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Re: Forum Maintenance Notice!

Bericht door pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon » 05 nov 2024, 19:51

Well done, @CarterFromSL! So happy we're now running a new version of the our forum-software! This will allow us to keep growing, improving and hopefully fix some longstanding issues along the way! :D

'There's nothing like millions of years of really frustrating trial and error to give a species moral fibre and, in some cases, backbone' -- Terry Pratchett

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Re: Forum Maintenance Notice!

Bericht door Carboon » 06 nov 2024, 18:01

Fantastic that you'll give the forum some much-needed web dev support/love! Welcome aboard @CarterFromSL! Happy to have you here.


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